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Welcome. We are the Anne Arundel County Asperger Support Group, in Maryland U.S.A.

Our group is dedicated to the advocacy and developmental needs of children who have been diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome.

There are presently no regular meetings. Contact us for more information or support.


Our group is open to the public, free of charge, registration free, and, best of all, we welcome everyone who has an interest in Aspergers Syndrome to attend.


Past Notes:



THRIVE in Columbia is starting up social skills groups covering many age ranges. See the email we received from them here

LOCAL SOCIAL GROUP for Adults on the Spectrum

A Social Group for adults ages 21 years and older, with Asperger's /Autism in Annapolis, MD. Began in January 2012.
For more information, see our local resources page here

Informing your child's classmates about Aspergers

Way To Grow, LLC announces availability of their new customizable Powerpoint called Kids Need to Know. Its at their website at:

How About Not 'Curing' Us, Some Autistics Are Pleading - New York Times Dec 2004

Jack Thomas, a 10th grader at a school for autistic teenagers and an expert on the nation's roadways, tore himself away from his satellite map one recent recess period to critique a television program about the search for a cure for autism.
" We don't have a disease," said Jack, echoing the opinion of the other 15 boys at the experimental Aspie school here in the Catskills. "So we can't be 'cured.' This is just the way we are.".....
read the article: click here

Studies/Research - Unless otherwise noted, we are not cognizant of the end dates of these studies

Improve facial expression recognition

Investigator: Tinita Ortega, MS, CCC-SLP
Affiliation: Howard University

Who is eligible?
Children with Asperger syndrome or high-functioning autism between the ages of 8 and 11 years

What will the study involve?

What is the aim of the study?

A description of the study is here.

Please contact Tinita Ortega, MS, CCC-SLP by e-mail at for further details.

Autism study on language comprehension

The Johns Hopkins University, School of Medicine, Department of Neurology, Cognitive Neurology/Neuropsychology group is recruiting adults with high functioning autism or Asperger's syndrome for their study on language comprehension. Research participants will:

* Visit their lab in Fells Point for three hours a day, on three different days.
* Be asked to complete language and cognitive tasks that may include reciting words, naming pictures, and drawing designs.
* Be compensated $15 an hour, plus a $50 bonus after completing the study.

Interested individuals should contact them by email at or by phone at (410) 502-2640.

Participate in brain research

Andreea Apostu from Dr. Stewart Mostofsky's autism research team at Kennedy Krieger Institute in Baltimore, MD. writes:

We are actively seeking children with and without autism (ages 8 to 12) to participate in a research study on high functioning autism to learn if there are any differences between the brain's structure and its function in children with and without autism spectrum disorders.

The study involves 2 days of computer games, paper&pencil tasks, and a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain. The study has been reviewed and approved by the Johns Hopkins Institutional Review Board. Participants will receive a free IQ testing and report, a $50 check and a picture of their brain. There are no significant risks or direct medical benefits for participating in this study.

As you know, autism research is critical to furthering our understanding of this disability that affects so many children and families....

Download flyer here.

Research opportunity for children with Autism/Aspergers.

Would you like to be involved in autism research at Children's National Medical Center in Rockville, MD?

Children and adults with autism are invited to participate in severalcurrent research studies about autism and brain functions.

What will the studies involve?
These studies will involve completing tasks using a computer or pen and paper that test memory, attention, and problem solving. Some studies also involve a brain imaging component with an MRI machine. For these tasks, participants click buttons in response to pictures, words, or letters, or watch TV while lying inside the MRI.

The total time commitment will be from 3-8 hours and occur in one or more sessions. MRI sessions are scheduled separately from the paper& pencil and computer testing sessions.

Time and travel expenses will be reimbursed for completing memory, attention, and problem solving tasks. Participants who complete MRI sutides also receive the images of their brains as well.

For more information, please call the Autism Research Team at (301) 765-5425 or email

Dr. Maximilian Riesenhuber at Georgetown University is conducting an autism-related study and is seeking adults on the spectrum who are interested in participating in behavioral and fMRI neuroimaging experiments at Georgetown University in Washington, DC.
A description of the study is here.

Contact Us

If you would like to attend our group, have any questions, or would like to recommend a guest speaker, please feel free to contact us (Scott Bialousz, Sue Hayward or Sandy D'Erasmo) by clicking here.
Contact the Web Mister (Barry C) by clicking here.
